Fallen Fire Fighter Memorial

Our Fallen Fire Fighter Memorial is an annual event that honors the memory of our brothers and sisters who made the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty. The Memorial is located in Colorado Springs, Colorado, and hosts a solemn ceremony every September.

September 21, 2024
Colorado Springs, Colorado

Located in the shadow of Pikes Peak in Colorado Springs, the Memorial honors the sacrifice made by IAFF members who have given their lives in the line of duty.

The 2024 Fallen Fire Fighter Memorial ceremony will honor those members who died or whose name were submitted between Jan. 1, 2023, and Dec. 31, 2023.

All IAFF members are encouraged to wear Class A dress uniforms and to register online. Registration for family and Honor Guard remains open, please register as soon as possible.

Make sure to book your hotel and travel before registering.

A look at the IAFF Fallen Fire Fighter Memorial in Colorado Springs

The IAFF will personally contact the families of all fire fighters to be honored in the Fallen Fire Fighter Memorial Observance. The IAFF will also send information about the Memorial ceremony and accommodations to the families and to the president of the local where the death occurred.

Each family member attending the Memorial must register online by Aug. 1 to ensure attendance. For more information or assistance, email [email protected].

Each pre-registered family member will receive information packets, credentials, and reserved seating assignments at the registration offices in The Heritage Ballroom at The Antlers Hotel in Colorado Springs. Packets will be available beginning Thursday, Sept. 19 at 9 a.m.

Media Contact

Contact IAFF Press Secretary Tim Burn for all media inquiries at [email protected]. Media planning to attend the ceremony are encouraged to notify the IAFF at this email address.

A pool feed of the ceremony will be available to all media. Multi-boxes will be set up, and other media needs can be accommodated.

General Information

2023 Ceremony
2023 IAFF Fallen Fire Fighter Memorial Ceremony
High-Altitude Tips
  • Reduce alcohol, caffeine, and salty foods.
  • Drink 3 or 4 times more water than usual.
  • Get plenty of rest before and during your stay.
  • Take it easy! Your heart is working harder at this altitude, so quit while you’re ahead if you are tired.
  • Wear sunscreen – you receive 30% more ultraviolet radiation up here than at sea level!
  • Wear sunglasses with ultraviolet protection even on cloudy days.
  • Eat high carbohydrate meals, limiting fat and protein, for the first few days at altitude.

High-Altitude Sickness Symptoms

  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Unusual tiredness
  • Trouble sleeping

High-altitude sickness symptoms usually go away in a day or two, but if you develop a worsening cough or feel like you have fluid in your lungs – see a doctor immediately! When in doubt, seek medical help!

Tips, especially for Pikes Peak

  • Drink large amounts of water before your trip.
  • Continue to drink water during your trip.
  • Take a jacket no matter what the weather is in Colorado Springs.
  • The best time to go is in the morning as afternoon often has poor weather and visibility.

They’ve come from every walk of life,
they’ve come from every region.
We honor their heroic deeds,
on this black wall their names emblazon.
Each one, a different story tells
of bitter tragedy,
of courage-etched upon this wall,
lives given for community.
The world won’t long remember them
without this monument-
Our globe, awash in suffering,
where countless other lives are spent.
But in this honored, reverent place,
their memories brightly shine
On this green field beneath the Rockies,
thankful hearts a tribute find.
When men and women ask the question,
“What do firefighters risk for me?”
These names in granite answer back,
“We’ve purchased your security
with precious offering of our lives,
with families torn by grief,
with fervent sacrificial duty-
firm was our belief
that someone must defend the lives
and property of all-
this pledge so fully did we live
that now, we line this wall.”

– Unknown –

How You Can Help

The IAFF Fallen Fire Fighter Memorial is made possible by the IAFF Foundation. Learn more about the IAFF Foundation and how you can get involved: iafffoundation.org.